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Adam Taylor is a very fine, dry and funny poet. You may have seen Adam on TV or heard him on radio. He is Poet in Residence for Yahoo!UK and has kindly allowed me to post a couple of his poems. You can see more of Adam's work by visiting his web site via the Stupid Links page.

The Art of Leadership

We hugged
And slapped high fives
Like it said in the book

THE VIM THING? she screamed
VISION, I shouted
VISION, she screamed
INSPIRATION, she screamed
MOMENTUM, I shouted
MOMENTUM, she screamed
THE VIM THING, she screamed

We hugged
And slapped high fives
Like it said in the book

Then my cleaning lady
Went back to work

Copyright Adam Taylor.


'I'm off', he said
And with that
He was gone

Like something
That was here once
But isn't any more

Like the Incas

Or a pea
That's rolled under
The fridge

Or a spider
That's been flushed down
The toilet

Or someone
Who's just delivered
A pizza

Or a pizza
That's just been eaten

Except for a crumb
That's been taken by spaceship
To the edge of the time
And space continuum
And kicked out
Into nothingness

And then he came back
With the newspaper

Copyright Adam Taylor.

Steve Sheard has sent in a couple of work related poems, sort of. I particularly like 'Chainsaw' though 'My Name Is' is in a similar style to Drew Lankford's stuff, which is great. Keep them coming!


Yesterday I bought a new chainsaw
after seeing Eminem on his new tour
but because I was a little unsure
I chopped off my right leg
meaning I couldn't drive to work the next day.

Copyright Steve Sheard.

My Name Is

I work all day, but turn in late
I find this the best way to irritate
the masters of my domain
with nothing to do but moan at me
so I rewire their brains with my technical skill
so they think I'm great and quite a dare
even though I have large hair.

Copyright Steve Sheard.