Psychodrama The doctor's certificate certified that my brain was a splutjabbing mess on account of a purple depression brought on by my wire-wool stress. Referred to a young psychologist, a practitioner of psychodrama, I was encouraged to re-enact events that had pierced my mental armour. It's strange how real role playing becomes, how despair's dank well soon appears, within minutes my voice began trembling, my sight bleary-blurred through the tears. I was invited to halt the enactment until near enough to gather myself the trembling detrembled, the blubbing deblubbed a hankie mopped up the nose filth. After what seemed an appropriate hiatus I was invited to carry on I "carried on" by damaging office furniture before making good my escape with a yucca Shoes I've spent three hours putting on my shoes. It took me so long cos they're only size twos.

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Sleepwalker Bored with the dream then showing I rolled to an upright stance slipperless, genital scratching quiltdown man in a midnight trance. As if on non-slip rubber skis I shuffled through kip-house door downstairs and into the pantry where I peed all over the floor. Somehow (don't ask how) I unlocked the door the night cold did nothing to wake intruders walked past me into my home and took all they could take. Little did the burglars know I'd been awake throughout and told police about the monk goblin, tank and sprout. The constable believed my statement to contain dream excerpts. Experiment If I took all your veins and arteries and arranged them in such a way that the end of one met the end of the next and pulled them to see how far they'd stretch I'd be sectioned and locked away. Mysophobia Mysophobia is the fear of poo and if I were to suffer I'd scream on sight of dog dirt and never wipe my chuffer.
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Moor I stride the moorland o'er the heath as bracken cracks and snaps beneath. A heather pastel shawl is cast across the breast of land so vast. I stand alone no other soul exists within this vista whole. If I wished my trousers drop out of anus long stool plop and no one would ever know. Bath Time I was sat in the bath counting my legs and scrubbing my naughty bits soaping my torso my bum even more so and sponging my hairy armpits. With legs fully lathered the shampoo suds gathered as froth upon my head I toyed with a loofah my rubber duck too for I love a bath play before bed. The fun was soon finished excitement diminished as I was dragged out of the water the plumber complained that his patience was strained as I bathed in full view of his daughter and shop staff and customers who were in the plumbers merchants store at the time. Further Education I scratch my ass in arse scratching class. (Translated to French) Je raye mon âne dans le cul rayant la classe.
